Looking at Marriage in a Glass Half-full/Half-empty Way
September 04, 2008
Enjoy foreplay.
Dread foreplay. But no worry, this never happens any more anyway. (Did it ever, really?)
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Enjoy foreplay.
Dread foreplay. But no worry, this never happens any more anyway. (Did it ever, really?)
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Yeah, isn't foreplay over once you say "I do?"
Posted by: April | September 06, 2008 at 09:45 AM
April, you're cyncism is peeking out! You can look at foreplay as his warming you up or his warming himself up. Either way, not so much fun for us girls who perceive foreplay as full-body appreciation and as the main course.
Posted by: Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman | September 06, 2008 at 10:12 AM