Home Alone, Again
A Minute to Myself (86)

Israel Story: An Explanation

Since my mind does not work in chronological fashion, I figured that I should tell you that the stories that make up the "Israel Story" will not be told in chronological order; rather, they will be told in the order that they come to me and as I am able to fully develop them into vignettes.

I also feel that I should clarify that my original intention when I graduated from college, since I only knew that I wanted to be a writer, was to be an au pair in Italy (pretty impressive). I had studied French and Italian in college, mastering neither, but loving Italian, and so hoped to go to Italy to work on my language skills (cough cough meet some Italian men cough cough). But the family I had made plans with decided to go to Argentina for a while, leaving me in the lurch.

“Israel, why not go to Israel” someone recommended.

“Yes,” I said, “why not go to Israel.” I figured that I would meet someone with whom I could travel around the world there, since I was adventurous enough to travel to Israel alone, but not enough for the solo European tour. I had also dreamed of living in Australia (another story altogether) and figured that this could be a way to reach that goal.

And then I found the program (Kibbutz Ulpan) where you live and work and study Hebrew on a kibbutz for six months. That seemed ideal to me: getting to go abroad and not have all of the stress (at least not right away) of being on my own. You know, just me and my (lost) backpack.




I regret not having travelled when I was young. How adventurous of you. The idea of going somewhere with nothing but a backpack is so freeing.


Yes, travelling on your own when young is different from travelling on your own through life after a divorce, when you have more than a lost backpack to travel with.
However I think as long as I travel, the experience will enrich me.
I now feel whatever road travelled, it has always given me some more experience, even if it was hard to go on that road at first.
I am pleased I did not sit at home and moan and wished.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

JC: I have my grandmother to thank for that trip; my $3,000 inheritance was worth its weight in letting me learn that I have wings and then spreading them.

Wilma: You make me think of different business trips I have taken when I was married and then a mother. Those trips were a break that let me come back to me, let me see the world through my eyes, and not anyone else's. And it also let me see a man get down on a knee in a park in Brussels and--I assume--propose to his girlfriend. If you are looking, you will see and experience, wherever you are, but it is definitely more fun in different surroundings.


Hmmm - do my months working on a cruise ship count as a sort of kibbutz?

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

April, only if you have stories that include some degree of decadence, and, of course, introspection.

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