Sashay Sashay Right out of Lowe’s
November 24, 2008
Tonight was the night to pick out new carpet for the house. You know, the carpet that will make potential buyers ignore the old kitchen, windows, tiles, bathrooms but will, instead, make them see the dazzling potential of this house. (It really is a nice house in a great location.)
It was raining and it was rush-hour, so it was a long drive out to Lowe’s where he had decided that we would get the best price. Now this is his responsibility, he needs to deal with the carpet, but he is afraid of responsibility because then he can’t blame someone else for screwing up. So I was there to participate in the carpet-picking decision. Only problem is: he was there and I was there, and that is not a good mix.
About an hour or so earlier, at home, he started to tell me that wood floors would be too expensive. (I had made the suggestion the day before.) I said okay, but he kept on telling me about the per square foot calculations, but since it’s too expensive, I don’t care about them and told him that it doesn’t matter. (Also, the less I need to hear his voice and get one of his lectures, the better.) Words which the lawyer in the room would twist and throw back at me as if his life is a walking courtroom.
Back to Lowe’s. He showed me the carpet padding and showed how the price works. Okay. (I have a master’s degree, I can figure this out.) Then he showed me a piece of carpet, pointed to the price and said, This is the price. You said you don’t care about the calculations but you should.
I said that about the wood.
I’m not married to you, he said in reaction to my slightly raised and aggravated tone.
Don’t tell me what I think and feel.
I recorded it. And as he reached into his pocket for his little recorder friend, I turned and sashayed right out of Lowe’s.
I do not need to swallow any bile from him. I do not need to have him twist and distort my words. I do not need to participate in the carpet decision. Let him gather his balls together and do something.
On the way home I stopped at the supermarket. We needed milk, and I needed an apple fritter for breakfast.
He was home when I got home. I figured that he would have stayed and ordered the carpet. I guess he’s still playing with his balls, it seems that when he doesn’t have me around, they just don’t work.
Good for you for getting the hell out of there! The less time you spend with that cretin, the better.
Posted by: April | November 24, 2008 at 09:48 PM
Good for you!!! I've been there and every second your with him sucks the life right out of you. You don't have to take his bullshit anymore....not that you should have taken it before either but I am glad that you are not putting up with it anymore. I am proud of you!
Posted by: Lori | November 25, 2008 at 06:14 AM
That last sentence made me laugh out loud. YEA for YOU for not standing around and taking it. Let him figure it out because from experience, just you being in the same room when he makes the decision, will give him someone to blame other than himself.
Hang in there.
Posted by: Midlife Slices | November 25, 2008 at 02:18 PM
That last sentence made me laugh out loud. YEA for YOU for not standing around and taking it. Let him figure it out because from experience, just you being in the same room when he makes the decision, will give him someone to blame other than himself.
Hang in there.
Posted by: Midlife Slices | November 25, 2008 at 02:18 PM
That last sentence made me laugh out loud. YEA for YOU for not standing around and taking it. Let him figure it out because from experience, just you being in the same room when he makes the decision, will give him someone to blame other than himself.
Hang in there.
Posted by: Midlife Slices | November 25, 2008 at 02:18 PM
April, did I mention that he seems to be going bald?
Lori, as I walked down one of those long aisles a thought came to me, to turn back and get it over with it, but it was a thought, not an action, I didn't pause, I just kept going.
MS, I'll leave a note for him to "just do it." It will be interesting if he manages to do something on his own. I think that's the main reason he has been so difficult about reducing the price of the home, not only from greed, but then he will be on his own for the first time in his life. He went from mommy's house, to the army, to "wedded bliss."
Posted by: Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman | November 25, 2008 at 06:05 PM
Oh, too funny. Hope he likes playing with his balls alone. You know, scum like him should have to be tattooed on their foreheads to forewarn the next woman they try to snake-charm.
I'd give him a deadline with the note. If he's not any better at performing on his own then go pick a nice neutral beige in "his" price paramaters and tell the place to come install.
Posted by: judith | November 30, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Judith, I took the suitcase that he used last, he left some "things" in there which imply that some woman didn't get the NO vibe coming out of him. I know, all of the boys and girls with the snake charming quality need to find each other and leave the rest of us alone. I don't want the carpet, I think it's a waste of money. If he doesn't do it, so be it. Besides, he wouldn't pay me back what he owes me; even for the Bat Mitzvah he only paid back some of what he owes me. 50% my ass.
Posted by: Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman | December 01, 2008 at 02:43 PM