Sunday Evening
December 07, 2008
This weekend was lovely in its nothingness. I want to prolong this weekend and the feeling of calm I have attained. This weekend, with some meals in and some meals out, with some time with make-up on and much more time in flannel pajamas, had the right blend of inside and outside. This weekend with time and a conversation with older daughter; and younger daughter away for a brief retreat from which she returned home content. I don’t want it to end.
I don’t want to lose the softness that I attained once I confront my students tomorrow morning when I tell them that it’s time for the pronoun-antecedent agreement test and they tell me that I never told them or they forgot that I told them. I don’t want to break their mood from the weekend, either, but I must. I am so looking forward to the winter break. Break, indeed.
That is indeed such a rare wonderful feeling. Calm, peace, contentment are so much more valuable than money and posessions and looking good.
And guess what, what am I spending most of my time on, arrghhhg.
Posted by: Wilma | December 07, 2008 at 04:37 PM
Wilma, I don't know the translation of "arrghhhg." But not having to do all of the Christmas stuff surely puts me in a separate category at this time of year. mr ex was hardly around this weekend, so I could be myself, which is surely a sign of things to come.
Posted by: Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman | December 07, 2008 at 05:28 PM
I love weekends like that. Look forward to your break!!!
Posted by: Nothing Fancy | December 08, 2008 at 05:23 AM
Hi Laura, I meant most of my time I spend on looking good, making money to get posessions and NOT on being peaceful and the arghh is a typed expression of frustration.
Posted by: Wilma | December 08, 2008 at 07:32 PM
NF, what was especially nice was that I hadn't anticipated anything, it just happened. Have a wonderful holiday.
Wilma, thanks for the clarification. I find that I spend most of my time wondering what to do with my time--both short-term and long.
Posted by: Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman | December 11, 2008 at 04:27 PM