Reading List of a Single Parent
Shopping Trip


Liz A.

Cooking or sitting at a bar with my husband. That probably has something to do with my increased size... Ah, well. It's what I like to do.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

Liz, being comforted with the person who comforts you. I bet there are comfortable clothes involved too. Me, right now it feels like sitting outside on a sunny day in the morning with a cup of coffee and a newspaper and the flight of a bird to follow, and a day of possibilities ahead of me.


Curl up with a good book and a get lost for an uninterrupted hour or two. Rare in and of itself with four kids in the house. ;-)


I'm most comfortable at the coffee house reading and writing for hours. I love that sort of thing.


The last few months, it's been sitting in front of the computer blogging and drinking coffee. It's my down time that I get to myself.

The Incredible Woody

Lying on a deserted beach reading a trashy romance novel!!


All I need is my BED, MY TV, My laptop or a good book, and I'm in heaven. I could stay in my bed all day. It comes from living in an apt where my bedroom was the only space that was mine. I can do everything on my bed.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

No one has any comments regarding preparing to run a marathon or accomplishing something important at work. Peace. We all want to be peaceful with the quiet things that enrich us as people.

May 2009 bring the quiet and contentment that we all need.


For me it would be just being with my loved ones in an atmosphere of peace and calmness...whether it be working around the house, playing together, cuddling, watching a movie...ect.just having those that I feel most comfortable with, around me.


I am most comfortable doing handstands. For real. I love being upside down. :)

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