Mediation, or Sitting around a Big Table with Someone You Hate (Part 3)
Looking for Love Online: Plenty of Fish



I worked a marathon day on Friday, came home late, then baked TWO cakes for our multi-birthday party celebration on Saturday.

The Last Post

This may seem trivial but I smiled at someone who looked quite sad and got a wonderful smile back. I like to think it made her feel better, it certainly gave me a lovely feeling.

Carol Goodman

It is 4:54 pm and I have made it thru Monday work day.

Liz A.

After I baked a whole chicken, we ate the breasts and then I picked it clean and made a casserole the next day and then made chicken stock which is now in seperate Ziploc bags in the freezer. That's just a good $4.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

I got through the day.

I updated my to-do list and I am trying not to panic at how much I have to do.


I was depressed about some nonsense my landlord was pulling and almost didn't go to NY for a class but I forced myself and went. It was good therapy.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

I got through another day. I laughed with my students. I smiled as much as I could. I got stamps at the post office.

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