The Threads of a Life
My Body, My Uni-Thigh


Liz A.

I'm supposed to feel connected to a community?


Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

It depends on my mood and what I am doing at the time. I love to feel connected, even if I am not acting on that, I love knowing that there are people out there who include me in their thoughts and lives.


Definitely the Jewish community. Strongest connection I've ever felt to a community. They've been very supportive and welcoming .

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

Ricardo, of late, that's the community I have been seeking out, too. It was interesting because the other night I went to the confirmation service at my temple (for all 8 tenth graders who made it that far) and each kid said, in some way, that they were so comfortable at temple amongst their peers and the adults as well because they did not have to represent something or be unique, but they were able to express fully who they are and what even they question. I think that that questioning and openness is a great testament.

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