The Symbolism of the Garbage
A Minute to Myself (194)

A New School Year

To all of us heading back to school, whether as teachers or students (and perhaps parents of students, parents of teachers, and even friends of teachers and students), let’s take a moment to pause and remember why we go to school. It might be something that we have to do. It’s a job for teachers and considered a job by many students. But beneath that reality (cynical or not), we still get to spend hours a day learning, instructing, discussing, reading, thinking, growing, developing—is there a better way to spend our time?

May this year be a joyous one filled with learning and sharing experiences.

May this year be one filled with the joy of epiphanies and conquests.

May this year fill your life with joy.



Hi Laura,
Please forgive me for my lack of contact..running around after our trips. I hope you don't mind that I post this on my facebook for all of my teacher friends and colleagues. Profound thoughts about our very underrated, yet vital profession. After 23 years of teaching I remain proud and committed to our extremely worthy profession. To all of my teachers friends, I hope you feel the same (although I must admit it can be hard at times!).


Wow! You say this so perfectly. I do wish this for you and all the teachers and those involved in education. And once again, thank you Laura for all that you do to teach young people.


You almost make me want to go back to school myself!


If I had the choice of working full time or going to school full time, I'd pick school. No question.

May you and your students have a joyous year!


I hope your new year is off to a good start and may you enlighten the minds of many a student.

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