Sharers and Shearers
Hanukkah, or Defying a Government that Oppresses You

Let Shrillness Ring



This is for my student who wrote “rape won”;

for my daughter who thought sexism was dead;

for the girls who deal with boys being boys;

for the sluts we are for having a woman’s body.


Let our shrill voices rise and spread until they are heeded directives.

Let our bitchiness thrive until it is the norm that is no longer placated and silenced.


Don’t try to soothe us: we are beyond appeasement.

We don’t want your condescending advice dictated in superior tones.

We are not the vessels of your perverted visions;

We are

Not of you

We are of ourselves and the people who respect

Our bodies

Our minds

Our moods


Our stubbornness.


We are the pinpricks of conscience you feel, but don’t acknowledge.

You don’t know this, but

we mock you and your need to control and limit—

for we rise and thrive past your oppression,

but you, you are tied to it—constricted by the emptiness of your own binds.


Each of us is

a fountain that cannot be contained;

a decision that banishes naysayers;

an emotion that unites;

propelling us forward—past the misogynists

and into the respectful reality we envision for ourselves

and each other.


Ours is a vision that cannot be crushed:

united together

woman women.  



Margaret Lesh

I love this, Laura. I'm going to re-read a few times because it needs to be really thought about. There's a lot here to chew on.

I am so thankful for thoughtful women like you in the world. If we could only truly unite all women together, we would be unstoppable. I truly believe that women are at their best when they are supporting each other.

Laura of Rebellious Thoughts of a Woman

So true! Thanks for your support and encouragement. Those are the true gifts that a person needs.

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