Being in Israel after 22 Years: A Reaffirming and Inspiring Journey
New Blog Post: The Retirement to Florida Cycle

New Blogging Opportunity

I'm excited to announce that I now have a blog at the Times of Israel. Some of my writing will be posted there (depending on the topic), rather than here. When that happens, I will post a link here.

Here's my first link, to my post, "Learning Not to Be Judgmental to Save the World." I hope you continue enjoying my writing.




I'm so happy that your writing is getting a wider audience! Wonderful news and a thought-provoking, insightful column.


Laura, congratulations on your new blogging opportunity! I just left a comment. (Judgmental is a trait I understand all too well.) I, too, am happy that your writing will see a wider audience. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughtful, life-inspired wisdom.

Laura of RToaW

Jenn & Margaret, thank you to both of you for your support and encouragement, now and over the years! It feels good to have been able to make this move.

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