Looking at Marriage in a Glass Half-full/Half-empty Way
June 15, 2008
Discuss the pros and cons of all purchases.
Just buy it.
Discuss the pros and cons of all purchases.
Just buy it.
You have a man who will take care of you.
You have a man who will take care of you, unfortunately he’s your lawyer and you have to pay him a lot of money to disentangle you from the man who ultimately took care of himself and not you.
Feel beautiful in someone’s presence.
Feel fat and ugly and unconfident and lacking in grace and intelligence in that same person’s presence.
Think of your children as an indication of the beauty of this relationship.
Think of your children as the only beauty to come out of this relationship.
Had a steady date for years.
Never went anywhere where you wanted on those dates, with your steady date.
Know that you are capable of suppressing your desires to meet someone else's.
Know that you never have to suppress your desires to meet someone else's.
Know that in the eyes of at least one beholder you are the most beautiful woman in the world.
Know that even with cover-up, foundation, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip liner and lipstick there is one beholder who won't see your beauty--external or internal.
Wonder at your luck at having met this man.
Wonder at your inability to see this man for who he is.